Saturday, May 19, 2012

questions about myself

What is your favorite quote?

" Frankly dear I dont give a damn" Gone with the wind

Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

sunrises :)

What is your favorite dessert?

Ice cream

Do you have a favorite subject in school?

Reading and history

Did you have snow on Christmas day?

No snow here in the southeast

Do you have a favorite Jane Austen book/movie adaption?

Pride and Prejudice!   and Sense and Sensibility

Do you prefer patterned socks, solid colored socks, or bare feet?

Bare feet!!!!

Do you make your bed every morning?

Yes I do :)

What color is your bedroom wall?

white with lots of pictures.

What are your top five favorite colors?


Do you prefer sandals, sneakers, boots, or high heels?


What is your favorite color?


What hobbies do you have?

Sewing,blogging,reading,outdoors, and movies..

Pants or skirt?

Skirt and Pants :) I can't pick

Hot weather or cold weather?


What inspires you (the answer should be over three things)?

My faith,My family, and my Husband

Okay, and I'm just going to post 11 things about myself:

  1. I dont like chocolate too much
  2. My husband is the love of my life but also my best friend. 
  3. I've been watching cartoons for the past week now. haha
  4. I want a bunch of kids and a big house.
  5. I am a very blessed woman.
  6. I have 4 nieces who I spoil rotten to death.
  7. I love keeping my home and taking care of my husband

Homemaker Saturday

The weather..... in the 80ss and partily cloudy..

On my reading pile- several different amish books, my bible, and I believe in Love book.

On tv- Little house on the prairie and a disney movie

On my menu-
Sunday- Fish and pasta.
Monday- Rice and Chicken
Tues- Pasta and chicken
Wed- Chicken Fried rice
thurs- Chicken,rice and squash
Fri- Fried chicken and rice,beans

To do list for the week- Get the car fixed and a rental car.

Biblical quote-
"I find nothing in the Bible but holiness, and nothing in the world but worldliness.
Therefore, if I live in the world, I will become worldly;on the other hand, if I live in the Bible, I will become holy...."  S. Wigglesworth

a little about myself

I havent written on my new blog in a long time. I am not a very talented writer but I will give it a shot on writing about my life as a newly married woman. My name is Mrs. Toro and I live in the southeast. I love keeping my house and taking care of my husband. I love everything old fashion and vintage.
I hope you enjoy my new blog.